Thursday, December 29, 2011

Star Wars Holiday Special Review

                              The Star Wars Holiday Special is not only the worst holiday specials, but the worst thing to be associated with Star Wars. It only aired once in 1978, and George Lucas is trying to make sure that this special is never seen, yet Howard the Duck and Jar Jar is okay. This special somehow got most of the cast ( I guess they were under contract), as well as guest stars like Art Carney, Harvey Korman, and Bea Arthur.
           The special revolves around a wookie holiday named Life Day, which is never explained, and Chewy trying to get home to celebrate it with his family which is never seen again after this special. Most of special focuses on the family, which is gets incredably annoying, because all they do is growl. You don't even know what they're saying because there are no subtiles. Also there are a lot of pointless cutaways to things that have little to nothing to do with the story (such as it is). They include a cooking show, a circus act, a weird VR sex fantasy, a Jefferson Starship video, a Star Wars cartoon which was the 1st appearence of Boba Fett, an instructional video, and a look at a Tatoonie bar with Bea Arthur as the bartender.
                    This special was very hard to get through, I couldn't watch it all at once, so I watched it in parts. Bottom line it's no wonder George Lucas is ashamed of this, it's the worst thing to ever that have the Star Wars name. There is nothing remotely entertaining about this special, not even a so bad it's good quality to it. I give it a 1/5.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Quest for Camelot Review

               In the last 90's people were trying to copy Disney by doing exactly what they did, and thus because of this we have Warner Bros. Quest for Camelot. The film centers around a girl named Kayley, who wants to become the world's greatest knight, as she goes of to find ExCalibur which has been stolen by an evil knight named Ruber, voiced by Gary Oldman. Along the way she comes across a blind hermit named Garret, voiced by Cary Elwes, and an a annoying 2-headed dragon with the voices of Eric Idle and Don Rickles.
            While the animation can look nice, isn't doesn't help that Kayley looks exactly like Belle from Beauty and the Beast. Also while Kayley claims she wants to be a great knight, she's more of a dumbass in distress thoughout most of the film, either getting kidnapped or running away from something. While there are a couple of good songs, most are bad, annoying, and/or pointless. The biggest ptoblem with the movie, however, is there are way too many plotholes in this film, like the magic potion Ruber uses, or the enchanted forest among others.
                    Bottom line while this isn't the worst animated film of all time, there are still a lot of problems with this film. Like some of the songs, the comic relief characters, and the many plotholes. I give Quest for Camelot a 2/5. 

Friday, December 16, 2011

The Christmas Shoes(song) Review

               The Christmas Shoes is one the most fucked up Christmas songs out there. The story of the song revolves around a man buying the last couple of gifts for Christmas, not really getting into the spirit, like most of us get before Christmas. Then he meets a boy who wants to buy a pair of shoes for his dying mother, but he doesn't have enough money. So the guy helps the boy out and the boy is thankful, and that's it.
         The 1st problem is that they describe the boy as dirty from head to toe, which makes me wonder if this boy is so poor he can't afford a shower or have his clothes washed. 2nd, the boy's father said that there's not much time, so if he doesn't get to her in time she'll die before he can give her the shoes, which ould scar him. 3rd, the boy said that he wants her to be beautiful if she meets Jesus, eventhough she can't take the shoes with her, so she can't look slutty for Jesus.
                  Probably the most fucked up part of the song is when the guy says that he got a glimpse of "Heaven's love" and that God has sent the boy to remind him what Christmas is all about. Yeah, so God killed a boy's mother on Christmas to show you the true meaning of Christmas, that says Heaven's love. If that's true it just shows what a dick God is, not to mention that seeing the boy's mom die on Christmas will probably scar him for life. And all this just to show a guy the true meaning of Christmas, that's fucked up.
                    This is a terrible, and completely fucked up Christmas song. Yet people like it to a point that there is a book and a made for TV movie based of this. But because the song's message is messed up I give it a 1/5.

Friday, December 9, 2011

My Favorite Video Game Commericals

           Today, I decided to take a look of 5 of my favorite video game commericals. I really like old video game ads, since they didn't have the grafix of today's games so they had to get creative, and it's the older ads that are the most enjoyable. So without further adu let's get started.
           This is a great commerical for 1 of the greatest games of all time. I loved the Mario chant, and each group has a different color.  I also like seeing when the groups come togehter to form Mario's face. Through I'm not sure why the Mattel logo was on the game boxes, but oh well.
          I remember recording this ad on an audio tape. It's an in your face ad proclaiming the Turbo Grafx 16 was next big system. Unfortunatly it wasn't, it got lost in the shuffle do the Nintendo, Sega rivalry and a small library of games.
         Speaking of failed consoles, say what you will about the Atari Jaguar, but they did have some entertaining ads. Like this 1 where a marketing teacher shows the class about the grafical superiority of the Jaguar. There's been debate whether the console was 64-bit, and it did only have 65 games in its 2-year lifespan, but there was some enjoyment found in the Jauguar and the ads.
                   Sega had some of the best ads back when it was in the console buisness, and this is 1 of them. This was the ntro to Sonic, which became Sega's mascot. I love how this woman complains about Sonic and the picture of him gets more annoyed. This is a good ad.

         Finally, staying with Sega, we have the 1st ad for their final console the Dreamcast. I love this ad and the console, makes me wish the console lasted longer than it did. Also makes me wish that Sega was still in the console race. I love the early Dreamcast ads cause they have the game charcters living in the console, which I'd enjoyed.
    There it is, 5 of my favorite video game commericals. I'll probably doing this again somewhere down the line.


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

We Wish You A Turtle Christmas Review

                              Before I begin, I like to say that I grew up with the Ninja Turtles, and loved the 80's and 2003 series. With that out the way The 1994 special "We Wish You A  Turtle Christmas" is one of the worst things ever to come out to had the Turtles name. The "story", and I'm using that term loosely, revolves around the turtles trying to get a gift for Splinter, but mostly the special is just an excuse to sing a lot of god awful songs.
            First of the costumes of the turtles and Splinter are awful, it looked they had $1.25 to spend on these things. As bad as the costumes are, the animantronics are worse, the turtles mouths never shut, and most of the time the words don't match the lip movements, or their mouths never move when they speak. The songs are also terrible, the special starts off the a shitty redoing of "Deck the Halls" with the turtles do with Jamician accents, and it get worse from there. The worse is "Gotta Get A Gift For Splinter" and the turtle rap thay do while wrapping gifts.
               Not much else to say except the say that THIS SPECIAL IS SHIT. Ther hardly anything redeeming about this thing. I give a 1/5.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Extreme Ghostbusters Review

        Extreme Ghostbudters was an attempt to reboot the Ghostbuster franchise.  The series basically revolves around a new group of college-age Ghostbusters who were being mentored by Egon. I didn't watch the show when it originally aired in 1997, mainly because none of the local stations in my area carried the show.
      For this post I'm going to focus on the 2-part series finale entitled "Back in the Saddle". The episode starts out with Janine surprising Egon on his 40th birthday by reuniting him with the other ghostbusters. The original group goes on a job for old times sake, and eventually leads to tension between the old and new groups. They eventually put aside their differences to stop a ghostly incarnation of the Bermuda triangle.
     The episode was pretty decent, it was nice to see the original Ghostbusters again and see they got the original voice actors(kinda). The interaction between the old and new groups in the beginning was grating, but got better when they started working together. The animation in the show is good, as well as the voice acting. Overall Extreme Ghostbusters is a pretty good series and I would to see it come out on DVD in this region, but it can't hold a candle to the original Real Ghostbusters. I give it a 3/5.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Comparing the 2 True Grit Films

            I decide to check out both True Grit films to see which one I think is better. For the most the 2 stories are similiar, the only main differences are the beginning and the end. For example in the original we get to see Mattie's father alive while in the remake he's already dead. Also there were other changes during in the remake, like the guy in the bear skin and the guy that was hanging from a tree. The endings for each film were different, while in the original everything turned outfor the most part okay, the ending to the remake was much darker.
              So which film did a like better, personally I liked the remake a little better than the original. First off The remake was much darker than the original. Second Jeff Bridges played a more intimadating Rooster Cogburn when he gets drunk than John Wayne did. However I did like Mattie better in the original than the remake, Mattie in the remake seems more obsessed with getting Cheney, while the original seemed more realilistic. I'm not saying the original is bad, I just like the remake a little better.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Bleach(anime) Rant

           Bleach is one of animes I both love and hate. When it's good it's good but when it's bad it's really bad. My main problem with the series is it's filler arcs that have nothing to do with the main story. The last couple filler arcs actually interupted the main story for many episodes, and in the case of the Captain Amagai arc, wasn't that good.
    The main reason there are fillers in anime is because most anime get ahead of the manga that they're based on, so they have fillers until the manga can catch up. The reason I'm bringing this up is because Bleach is going to another filler arc and we won't get to the main story arc for another 37 episodes. The next filler arc does look kinda interesting, but it's still annoying they cut into the main story to do it. I don't understand why they just do the arc during the break in the story instead of cutting into the main story. Anyway that's all I have to say about Bleach.

Friday, October 21, 2011

TR's intro

          Welcome to TR's reviews, where I will be reviewing movies(old and new), cartoons from the 80's and 90's and basically anything else I feel like reviewing. I'll also will give my opinions on whatever I feel like at the time. I hope it gives you some idea on what I'll be doing.