Friday, December 16, 2011

The Christmas Shoes(song) Review

               The Christmas Shoes is one the most fucked up Christmas songs out there. The story of the song revolves around a man buying the last couple of gifts for Christmas, not really getting into the spirit, like most of us get before Christmas. Then he meets a boy who wants to buy a pair of shoes for his dying mother, but he doesn't have enough money. So the guy helps the boy out and the boy is thankful, and that's it.
         The 1st problem is that they describe the boy as dirty from head to toe, which makes me wonder if this boy is so poor he can't afford a shower or have his clothes washed. 2nd, the boy's father said that there's not much time, so if he doesn't get to her in time she'll die before he can give her the shoes, which ould scar him. 3rd, the boy said that he wants her to be beautiful if she meets Jesus, eventhough she can't take the shoes with her, so she can't look slutty for Jesus.
                  Probably the most fucked up part of the song is when the guy says that he got a glimpse of "Heaven's love" and that God has sent the boy to remind him what Christmas is all about. Yeah, so God killed a boy's mother on Christmas to show you the true meaning of Christmas, that says Heaven's love. If that's true it just shows what a dick God is, not to mention that seeing the boy's mom die on Christmas will probably scar him for life. And all this just to show a guy the true meaning of Christmas, that's fucked up.
                    This is a terrible, and completely fucked up Christmas song. Yet people like it to a point that there is a book and a made for TV movie based of this. But because the song's message is messed up I give it a 1/5.

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